Saturday, November 7, 2009

Some Tricks - Lots of Treats!

The kids had a great Halloween! We took them downtown in the morning to do a door to door 'trick-or-treat' to all the vendors. It was fun to see all the other costumes and it gave us some ideas for next year. Boston seemed somewhat confused to see other strange creatures running around, there were a couple that scared him, but otherwise he did really good. It took us a while to get him to say the words trick-or-treat, but when he finally got brave enough it was so quiet that people still couldn't hear him, but he did make sure to tell everyone thank you for the candy. Brooklyn made it about three blocks before she fell asleep, then woke up again on the last block before we were ready to leave. We were surprised that the "Yoda" costume was such a big hit- it seemed that everyone was commenting on our little star wars guy!

That night we drove the kids around to a few houses of family and friends that we knew wanted to see the kids in their costumes. This wasn't as enjoyable since the kids didn't like getting buckled in and out of their seats so many times- but they liked visiting different houses and showing off their cool costumes! We came home with a bucket-full of candy, of course most of it will be eaten by mom & dad, but Boston was proud of the stash he collected!


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