Sunday, August 1, 2010

Part 2 - Fourth of July

Every year there is a big celebration at the park for the 4th of July, so we took the kiddos and spent the afternoon strolling around, having a picnic, and enjoying tunes played by local bands.

Brooklyn hung out in the stroller - and Boston played on the fire engines!

Boston also got to meet the "Jubilee Days" Rodeo Princesses - he just wanted to sit on a horse next to some "cute girls" - but got shy and wouldn't even smile for the picture!

Cousins Clay and Madi were in town for the weekend too, so we had a pool party at grandma Lynda's house for all the kids. We probably told Alex to pull his shorts up 100 times, but he was just more comfortable with his bum hanging out!

I'm not sure whether Boston and Alex are hugging because they got in trouble and had to say they were sorry... or if they're trying to dunk each other in the water! :)

Little Brooklyn shivering on the outside of the pool

All the kids grabbed a blanket and cuddled up by grandma's patio door to watch the fireworks display

They had a sleepover on the living room floor - but ended up on grandma's bed the next morning :)


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