Friday, December 31, 2010

Just Sharing Some Smiles :)

We don't have daycare this week between the holidays so I stayed home with the kiddos the last couple days and it was such a change of pace! I definitely enjoy my job and staying mentally busy... but it doesn't hold a candle to keeping up with my kids! What an absolute joy they are, sure there's a couple time-outs here and there, but it really made me miss being at home with them.

Yesterday morning I gathered up some leftover scraps from Brooklyn's Halloween costume and made her a tutu/skirt from the pink netting. She was so excited to wear it and Boston would not stop telling her how pretty she looked :)

I wanted to get a picture of her in the tutu & Boston wanted in on the fun, so here's some smiles from both kiddos! Happy New Years everyone!


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