Friday, March 26, 2010

& a pinch to grow an inch!

One year ago, we brought home a beautiful baby girl!!

The 12 months have been full of fun... so we decided to keep her :)

We had a little birthday party for Brooklyn - thanks to all her friends and family who shared the fun night with her :) She was so excited to dig into her cake! Even Boston couldn't keep his fingers out of the frosting while mommy was decorating the cake (my little helper)!

One of Brooklyn's presents from daddy and mommy was a princess 'ball pit.' Daddy was such a trooper to blow it up with air all by himself that night so she could wake up to it the next morning :)

Happy Birthday, honey girl - We LOVE You!!!


Karen Whyte said...

Happy birthday, Brooklyn! I'm glad it was great! She sure is adorable!

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