For the last two months Boston was unmistakeably, absolutely, positively, definitely sure that he wanted to be the X-men, Wolverine, for Halloween. But in the beginning of October he changed his mind to be the superhero, Flash! Brooklyn on the other hand, could never make up her mind between a princess or butterfly - so mama made the decision for her... Red Riding Hood! No, it had nothing to do with either of her choices, but mama was determined to keep Brooklyn warm during the frigid Halloween weather we always have in Laramie! But mama didn't have the heart to tell Brooklyn right away, I figured when she saw the costume she'd warm up to the idea :)
I ordered the costumes online & we received them in the mail two weeks before Halloween, great timing. Boston pulled his costume out & was overwhelmed with excitement... Brooklyn however, pulled out from the box an "adult" red-riding hood! Mama & Daddy were definitely not letting her wear the skimpy outfit (& there's no way mama was going to fit it either) so we returned the costume, only to learn that the child costume we wanted had been discontinued & the company couldn't get it from any vendors - Brooklyn was back at square one :( Luckily though, we have a wonderful grandma that sews beautifully and came to our rescue to make Brooklyn the perfect costume - thanks Grandma Lynda!!
Boston as "the Flash"! He liked being the Flash so he could pretend to be the fastest boy to run around the block & get candy before you can blink!!
Brooklyn as Little Red Riding Hood - when she saw the completed costume she fell in love right away, but I did hear her call herself 'princess riding hood' a couple times!
Brooklyn carried a 'basket full of goodies' & I made Boston a red bag with a yellow lightning bolt to match their costumes. We also went trick-or-treating downtown the Saturday before Halloween & saw cousin Alex dressed as a pirate! Arrr Maties!
Happy Halloween!
November News
8 years ago
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