Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Bathroom Full of Fun!

I'm sure if my kids were any older they would hate that mom is telling these stories and sharing naked pictures- but doesn't everyone do it? I decided to give both kids a bath at the same time the other night, but not in the same tub. Boston likes to take his baths in our big bathtub, but it's hard for me to get Brooklyn in there without him acting crazy. Besides, baths are for splashing and having fun, not sitting quietly and patiently waiting for your sister to finish so you can play with all your boats and other toys!

So I put Boston in the big bathtub and Brooklyn in her smaller infant tub- thinking that although with the two of them apart I would have to drain two tubs, there would be less of a mess. Not really. Boston decided that after mom got him cleaned up he needed to jump around and stomp on his toys (not very safe I know, but maybe he'll eventually learn!) like a big monster in the water. Plus, much to his delight, mom left a cup in the tub with him so he figured it was fair game to fill it up and dump water out of the tub!

Boston wasn't the only culprit though, Brooklyn did her fair share of getting water on everything. She's really starting to like bathtime, and now that she can sit up on her own she likes kicking her legs in the water and making big splashes! So obviously with two kids doing the same trick, I figured what the heck, just let them have fun - towels are made for a reason!

But the story doesn't end there... when Brooklyn was finished I dried her off and took her to their bedroom to put on pajamas. Chris helped Boston out of the bathtub and brought him to the bedroom- then they both continued to tell me that Boston had left me a present in the bathroom. Immediately I thought more water had escaped from the tub - nope! Boston decided that he couldn't wait to go potty, and since he was already surrounded by some type of water bowl, he might as well poop. Yes, I said poop. Boston left me a great present in the tub- thanks buddy!


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