Thursday, December 24, 2009

'Twas the Night Before Christmas

Just wanted to share some pictures from Christmas Eve...

We went to a Christmas Eve church session tonight, so we got the kids all dressed up in their holiday outfits. I made Brooklyn's dress from some leftover fabric from one of my projects in school (I'm kind of proud of my project so pictures will eventually come later- I entered the dress into a contest so technically I'm not allowed to post anything to the public until after judging- so perhaps sometime in March... if I remember) Anyway, I also made a little black vest for Boston with a red hankie that matches Brooklyn's dress, but he didn't wear it tonight.

During the church service Boston was a little wiggly, so Chris told him to count the ceiling fans. He began with "one... two... two... two... two... two... etc." Although we're still working on the numbers concept, I know he CAN count past two! He also felt the need to say very loudly so everyone could hear, "over, its over" at the end of every song :)

Brooklyn's Christmas dress
I'm getting so excited for her to start walking,
she is getting pretty brave and has been making
small attempts to take 1-2 steps without holding
any fingers! Won't be long before she's running
after Boston :)

Brooklyn & Boston - they have a hard time sitting
next to each other for pictures!

After the service we went to grandma & pop-pop rusch's house for dinner and to open one present. They both opened a gift of pajamas (yes, that was planned- the sooner pj's are on, the better!). Boston was so excited for his new pj's- they are 'Buzz Lightyear' and have a wing-like section attached between the arms and bodice for flying. He kept showing us how he could flap his wings and fly just like Buzz!

Brooklyn's big blue eyes :)

Boston in his new pj's...
riding a stick horse...
and wearing an army helmet - yep, it's normal :)


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