Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hoppers... deer... & bears - Oh My!

Boston has been begging to go camping lately and sleep outside, so we decided to go camping the other night after work- we didn't tell Boston or Brooklyn that we were going until we picked them up from daycare, needless to say it was a welcomed surprise!

Boston was so excited to look out the window and search for deer, hoppers (rabbits) and any other animals that you might see camping. We went up to Happy Jack and we were afraid that we wouldn't find a good spot since we didn't get out of town as quickly as we had hoped- but we were lucky to find a perfect flat section away from the road and hidden by hills, trees, and even a waterfall nearby.

The kids were so excited to be outdoors! Right when we pulled up and got the kids out of the car, rabbits were hopping all over the campsite, so they thought it was a pretty cool place to be. Boston wanted to be a "big boy" and help us with stuff like setting up the tent, cooking dinner, and chasing down Brooklyn. Whereas Brooklyn was our little explorer and was so excited to be in an area where she could run around free and get as dirty as possible!

We hiked up a short trail that went alongside a river by our campsite which led to a small waterfall. The kids enjoyed being close to the water and throwing rocks in it to make the 'plop' splashing noise.

The kiddos had such a fun time being outdoors, collecting firewood for the fire, climbing on rocks, playing in the water, and sleeping in a tent under the moon and stars. They're definitely looking forward to making more 'camping' memories!


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